Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Installing xia2 from subversion (latest update)

Assumes you have xia2, cctbx, optionally Labelit and XDS set up in your PATH... here is a bash script which will install xia2 and make you a setup file:


svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xia2/code/trunk/xia2
cd xia2
echo "#!/bin/bash" > ../xia2.sh
echo "export XIA2_ROOT=`pwd`" >> ../xia2.sh
echo ". \${XIA2_ROOT}/setup.sh" >> ../xia2.sh

just copy this to a file of your choice (say install-xia2.sh) and then run bash install-xia2.sh where you want xia2 to be installed. Sourcing xia2.sh (which is auto generated) will then set up xia2.

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