Changes since dealing with huge data sets
- If single sweep, do not rebatch.
- Replace CCP4 Mtzdump with CCTBX-powered equivalent.
- If reindex for changing spacegroup name but not indices (i.e. no REINDEX= card) then use CCTBX-powered replacement.
- Cleaned up repository by pulling xia2core into xia2/core.
- Patched against dxtbx being included in Phenix. (temporary)
- Resolution limit calculation now delegated to resolutionizer.
- Twinning test now uses CCTBX code not sfcheck.
- PythonDriver added to support execution of Python code as separate process.
N.B. the installation procedure has changed slightly reflecting the simplification of the code structure:
Since everything is Python using cctbx, the only requirement is to export XIA2_ROOT to point to the directory where xia2 was unpacked (including the xia2- bit) and then source $XIA2_ROOT/setup.(c)sh.
I am working on making even this go away... as always, comments / questions to xia2.support@gmail.com.
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