Monday 6 September 2010

Bugs in xia2

So as we all know, xia2 has bugs. More are discovered from time to time. I'm moving to the public tracker at If you'd like to see what's going on in this department (and maybe even check up on the progress of your bugs) please visit:


Unknown said...

Dear Graeme,
I wonder if you have provisions for integration with a 2theta swung-out detector in your current pipeline? I managed to integrate the data a good while back. The image headers are wrong and reports no offset, despite that 2theta was actually about 1 degree offset. Can this info be feed into either your mosflm or even better xds pipeline by a command-line option? Best regards, Ole Kristensen, Biostructural Research, Copenhagen

Graeme Winter said...

Hi Ole,

Two theta support is one I have been asked for a few times. In principle it should be straightforward but it often does not turn out as such, due to different definitions of two theta.

If two theta is about 1 degree this may be within the range of refinement for XDS. I would recommend running -3dr and seeing if it can refine it all that way - it should be possible...

best wishes, Graeme