Tuesday, 9 March 2010

xia2 moves to sourceforge.net

Now seems to be working right, and also appears to have managed to include the history. Access from the command-line via:

svn co https://xia2core.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xia2core/trunk/xia2core xia2core
svn co https://xia2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xia2/trunk/xia2 xia2

which will give you access to the current state of the trunk - no guarantees! Can also download a tarball of the trunk in a similar way. I will now be using this as the primary repository - only reason to move may be if sourceforge.net proves unreliable - unlikely.

If you'd like to have write access, to contribute to the development, please shout!

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