* Check you have subversion installed!
* Make yourself a xia2-svn directory in wherever you keep your crystallographic software
svn co https://xia2core.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xia2core/trunk/xia2core xia2core svn co https://xia2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xia2/trunk/xia2 xia2* Compose yourself a setup file which will (i) set up ccp4 then (ii) set up cctbx etc and if you like also set up labelit / XDS
* At the end of this file add
export XIA2CORE_ROOT=${HOME}/svn/xia2core export XIA2_ROOT=${HOME}/svn/xia2 . ${XIA2CORE_ROOT}/setup.sh . ${XIA2_ROOT}/setup.sh
for the bash shell or
setenv XIA2CORE_ROOT ${HOME}/xia2-svn/xia2core setenv XIA2_ROOT ${HOME}/xia2-svn/xia2 source ${XIA2CORE_ROOT}/setup.sh source ${XIA2_ROOT}/setup.sh
for (t)csh. For example. Then once you have sourced this setup file xia2 should work. If you want to update this please go to $XIA2_ROOT and run "svn update".
When reporting problems, please first run svn update in case I have fixed it. If I have not then please get in touch, mentioning that you are getting xia2 from svn.